‚ô• Monday, February 26, 2007
ohhh.. my sunday disappeared again.. didnt go to dxo last night. went to punks instead.. there was an american party... really different atmosphere.. haha.AND.!! i got an ORANGE tag... meaning i am 18 and above =]]haha..so.. we drank hell loads. it was a reall funny night. as in funNY. jason.. OMG... he's a retarded ass when hes drunk...schs tmr.. darn sch bus pickes me up at 6.15... freaking early.. sickening..going back to ij tmr.!!
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@12:22 AM
‚ô• Saturday, February 24, 2007
woahh..!! i like just woke up frm my ever so comfortable sleep...ystd, we went to the global indian international school for the 'under no roof' programme.. it was raining before the programme started so i thought they would have some sort of a wet weather programme, but guess what.? they carried on with the original plans.. meaning we've gotta like built our houses from cardboard boxes on the mud... ewww... and YES. the cardboard boxes absorbed water so i was really kinda damp.. very few people managed to sleep.. as for me, i slept of total 1.5 hrs. heh.there was also a tug of war game. we were up against like OFS, ISS, IIS,chatsworth, CIS and i'm not sure if there're more.. but all of then were practically twice our size.. so of course. we got trashed. we did put on a fight though.. and i've got a blueblack.. haha. i've never seen people fly that way before..pingsi was also super pitiful.. the guys kept bullying him.. first they tied him up and at about 3plu, they decided to give him a free brazilian face waxing with masking tape. haha. it was hilarious..i was supposed to go dxo tonight for the chronic.. but i'm wayy to tired.. and also i've got 2 tests next week.. maths and econs.
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@4:49 PM
‚ô• Saturday, February 17, 2007
i realise i havent been posting pics lately.... haha.. so since i got the time now..
here're some pics of 0741c.!!

0741c girls.

0741c with ogl yiwen



i LOVE you melissa baby. haha.
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@5:35 PM
‚ô• Tuesday, February 13, 2007
i'm NOT going overseas already =]]i'm also NOT staying in innova jc even though i really enjoyed it.instead.. i'm transferring.. to anglo-chinese school international.its a really nice school.. NOT the current building.. but the people..i'll miss EVERYONE in ij.. 0741C.!! hockey.!!esp my melissa baby =[[HOPE EVERYONE CHOOSES THE RIGHT PRE U COURSE. it's really impt..its valentines day tmr... I LOVE EVERYONE.!!
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@11:04 PM
‚ô• Sunday, February 11, 2007
I HAVE A JOKE FOR EVERYONE.!! haha. i passed my amaths.!! i cant believe it..pretty pathetic.. i got like exactly 20 pts for o's.. well.. at least i can get back to innova..its really sad though.. but i didnt really study much anyways.. what can i expect rights...OMG. i cant believe it.. i got b4 for my eng.. totally cant believe it.. how could that happen.. humans b3. DAMN.! subjects that i thought i'd score in.. i didnt. subjects i didnt even think i'd pass or do well in.. i did well.. whats wrong with cambridge markers.. hehi@fun yesterday was quite fun.. yeah.. i got to take a pic with SHAN WEE.!! yay.! hes like soo tall..we took so many pics on that day.. kinda sad though.. technically.. its gonna be like the last day of school as a class... results are out.. not everyone can get back to ijc, some people got really good results and they might not be staying.. many people are also planning to change subj combinations.. its gonna be soo sad... i kinda wanna change my subj combi too.. but ij doesnt have the combi i want.. hopefully, they will change the diff combinations..
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@11:54 AM
‚ô• Tuesday, February 06, 2007
YAY.!! didnt run for pe today.. had games.. VOLLEYBALL.. gosh, i hate that game.. heh. i injured one of my fingers and got knocked on the head by the ball too.. ouchh...innovians are so supportive.. haha.. during fun raising today.. we were supposed to sell ice cream.. but cause it was kinda melted.. we changed the name to ice cream smoothie.. honestly.. it looked kinda sick.. but we still managed to sell two tuubs of weird looking and tasting so called ice cream.. haha.. INNOVA ROCKS MAN.!!guess what.. i went running with eunice in the evening today.. only ran like 2km though.. going to run again tomorrow =]]
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@8:44 PM
‚ô• Sunday, February 04, 2007
ok.. who cares if you're reading or not..haha. went shopping ystd.!!! bought so so many stuff.. =]] shopped at bugis then went to chinatown. got that thing ronald wanted. haha.oh.. guess what.!! i cleaned my room.. and also rearranged my furniture. theres sch tmr.. i dunno if i shld be happy or sad..oh wells. results are coming out soon.. OMG.. at least i know theres one person who really REALLY wants me to get below 20pts.. nee peiyi.. so she can inherit all my notes -_-"ouchh... my finger hurts..
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@7:19 PM
‚ô• Friday, February 02, 2007
you know how i thought coming to jc and everything would help change my life in the aspects of that very very hurtful exp.. i dunno.. it doesnt seem to work. heh. i read smth that wells.. yeah.. but results are coming out soon.. its time i moved on.. maybe the day i leave this country it would be better =] looking foreward to it..ystd.. alvin and ronald did smth i seriously could hate them for.. sorry jason... i honestly didnt know whats up with them...so i'm going out soon... dont really feel like leaving the house now... but.. i'm going.. maybe gonna visit my gradma later on.. just watched borat finish.. its a dumb show.. not exactly very funny.. but it has sort of a weird thing where i dunno if i shld laugh of cry.. heh..you know i was thinking.. i shld close this blog down.. since i mainly started it for that only purpose.. i have no reason to continue it anymore.. well.. we'll see abt it.
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@12:15 PM